Why You Need to Change Your Mindset Quickly About Weight Loss

 Are you fed up with trying to lose weight? You are not alone! Millions of women are feeling defeated, stressed, and hopeless because nothing works. You can't see results so you get depressed and stop trying. What's the use, right? 

I am Sabrina, the founder of CGF. I've been there and many women are there right—at the point of surrender! Don't surrender! Read on for your solutions! 


Until you change your mindset quickly about weight loss, you will continue to fight a battle you can't win. I've learned the hard way. Let me share with you what changes myself and millions of women have discovered about keeping weight off and being able to maintain it forever. 

Take Action now!

There's work to be done. And you need to get busy. I always say "Toss the lazy you out the door and bring in the determined you." It's certainly a mindset shift that must happen for you to begin to take action for yourself. Because no one is going to do it for you. You are What You Eat

If you want your body to maintain a healthy weight on its own, you must feed it healthy fuel. That's the bottom line. Shift your mindset about it. It's up to you to make healthier food choices and purchases. Eat out less. Prepare, plan, and cook more meals at home. Where should you start? Start Here!

Stop Eating Sugar

Sugar is not good for your health or weight loss. It cause major obesity  (especially in the belly) and chronic disease such as diabetes. Sugar has also been linked to acne, heart disease, and even depression! Okay, now we are getting somewhere. Ditching sugar could improve your mindset and much more! Click here for low sugar snack ideas

 Find A Fitness Routine

"I'm too busy for physical fitness." Lose this excuse. Never say those words again. There are so many great ways to get in 15-20 minutes of exercise each day. You need to make a point to fit in your schedule. To keep weight off, you must burn more calories than you take in. Time for another mindset change! 

I remember a mother and daughter that I know and the BIG impact their healthy routine had on me. These two would walk together every single day after lunch. The daughter was a nutritionist. They enjoyed a healthy packed lunch each day together and then set off around the block a few times. It improved their mood, burnt calories, and kept them both fit. This routine was saving their life. Find your routine and stick to it! 

 It Takes Time

Women are too hard on themselves! I know I was! I changed the mindset and health habits mentioned above. Thousands of women I share my strategy with are seeing results, finally! Great things can happen in your life too! It's all up to you. AND it doesn't happen over night! AND you don't have to deprive yourself of those pretzels, donuts, french fries, or pizza. You can have those items in small portions when you are eating right 90% of the time. Just take my advice, change your mindset, do your best every day, and if you mess up—so what! Get back at it the next day! 

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