Do you take good care of yourself?
If you answered "no", or "kind of", I would imagine that you may be struggling in certain areas? Maybe your weight, mental health, happiness, or you may have cholesterol, diabetes or high blood pressure?
If you are experiencing symptoms lately that something is off, you need to act now before things get out of control.
Make a decision right now to never be too busy to take good care of yourself. Your future depends on it.
Let's discuss a few healthier habits that you can start today that will help you feel your best and help you stay out of the Dr.'s office.
Start Healthier Habits Now to Take Better Care of Yourself
Eat at Every Meal and In between
Your body needs the fuel. Do not skip meals-Period. Skipping meals means depriving your body of essential nutrients and vitamins that it needs. Eat a nutritional breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Munch on healthy snacks in between.
If you are like me, deciding what to eat is a big dilemma! What is good for me and what is not?
Here are some Nutritional breakfast ideas . And don't forget that eating breakfast every day will put pep in your step and help you to not crave junk food.
20+ Easy Lunch Ideas you won't want to miss these! Bookmark this, make a list, and head to the store.
Wondering what to make for dinner? You're in the right place! Below, you'll find easy dinner ideas to satisfy any craving. Think tacos, pasta, and more!
There is a baking process trending that is making it easier to put a healthy dinner on the table with very little prep involved.
It's sheet pan meals and let me tell you whoever discovered them needs a special prize!
Dinner Ready in A Flash with Healthy Sheet Pan Meals
After you read up on these tasty ideas you can feel confident that you can shop, prepare, and eat healthier! Which is the best healthy habit to practice daily.
Make Downtime Happen
Downtime is when you clear your mind of the noise that is around you.
I enjoy my downtime. I have to make it happen or it doesn't. What does my downtime consist of? Walking away from things I've been doing for an hour or so straight, like sitting, or a working on a project. this will refresh your brain and body. Try this healthy habit. Go for a walk outside. 15 minutes does wonders.
My downtime can look different then your downtime. Some people like to take a quick nap, deep breathing, a shower, stretching, draw, ready, do a puzzle, or even meal prep. Whatever clears your mind and helps to break up a repetitive and sometimes stressful day.
Release What Isn't Your Load to Carry
I believe moms, and women are made to feel as if they must take care of everything ad everyone. They are the healers and problem solvers and the fixers. We are dedicated to our families and the people we love and the jobs we feel are our responsibilities. However, we must remember a couple things...
- Children need rules and responsibilities and consequences for not upholding their responsibilities.
- Adults over the age of 18, whether friends or family, are responsible for their life...Bills, babies, debt, jobs, decisions, accomplishments, and the list goes on. It's not your responsibility. You are only hurting yourself and give them the OKAY to keep being unresponsible. You are doing them no favors.
Have a Bedtime Routine
I was raised that you quiet down the whole house before bedtime. It starts after dinner. Everyone helped clean up from dinner. As children we picked up our bedrooms, got our book ready for school, laid out our clothes, took a bath, brushed our teeth, and we would read before bed. Lights out at the same time every school night.
Bedtime routines aren't just for children anymore! They benefit adults as well. Wind down after dinner. Stretch. Bath or shower. Quiet time. No electronics. No television. No computer. Read a real magazine or a book. Have a set bedtime and keep it. Try adding a bedtime routine to your life and start taking better care of yourself today!
What's Your Bedtime Routine?
I am Sabrina Tutt, Founder of Curly Girl Fitness.
Who is Curly Girl Fitness?
Curly Girl Fitness is a t-shirt line aimed at encouraging women and girls of all shapes and sizes to fashionably promote their curly hair while also embracing health and fitness as a way of life.
See our t-shirt line - SHOP NOW!
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