It's what you see all over the internet today, "Eat healthy, get fit". The trends today are all pushing us all to live a healthier lifestyle, while the industry makes profits while teaching us. Nevertheless, there are many reasons why you should invest in your health and there are many FREE ways to do it. Most of us just don't take action. Are you guilty? It's time to get started now, because your future depends on it. Read 7 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Your Health
To Fight and Prevent Disease
If you invest in your health today, you are fighting and preventing future diseases. Pretty great payoff, right? Studies show heart and blood pressure conditions are very common in men and women as they age. You most likely have a family member or friend that has been affected by some form of these diseases. Causes of these diseases vary, but diet and exercise play a huge roll. Start by feeding your body better fuel and adding 15-30 minutes of exercise into your day. Consistency pays off in the long run!
To Maintain A Healthy Weight
Weight management is a tough battle for some. I am telling you to ditch the diets. It's time to get real. A real strategy that has proven to work is to feed your body essential vitamins and minerals found in real, whole foods. That means NOT purchasing and eating processed foods. No excuses about "it costs too much money to eat healthy" because Pinterest is full of healthy, cheap recipes. Making a commitment to do this is a smart investment in your health.
For Early Detection
Don't put off a yearly exams, these are meant for early detection of the onset of diseases and illnesses. Many can be treated and stopped if caught in time. If you aren't sure what is covered by your insurance, give them a call. If you don't have insurance call your doctor's office and ask them if there are programs available for free or reduced exams. Ask about payment plans. Just do it! These exams are critical for your future.
Do it for Your Loved Ones
How can you be there for your spouse , children and family if you are sick or gone? The answer is that you can't. So, let this be the goal that drives you to take action. Start daily healthy habits now to keep you around longer. Read How to Live a Healthier Lifestyle. Go to the dentist regularly, do self-breast exams, get up and hit the gym, and start a new healthy grocery list. "What you do today determines your tomorrow."
To Get Into Shape
Aren't you sick of feeling tired all the time? How about depression? Is it lurking in your life? Studies show stress is overwhelming most of us today and it's not surprising. Annual cost to employers in stress related health care and miss work is $300 billion, wow! Daily exercise can prevent most of this. Find a way to get daily exercise that is fun and exciting for you. Research programs the local gym offers. There may be a workout that you fall in love with and you will be more likely to stick to it. That's a splendid way to invest in your health.
Do it To Keep Your Income
If your life expectancy is reduced due to your illness, so, too, might your productive work and income-generating years. When illness leads to early or permanent disability, the costs may also encompass special nursing home or long-term care expenses.
If you are healthy and active you can keep that income flowing in and hopefully even be able to retire and enjoy some of those golden years. A terrific plan don't you think? Fishing by the lake, sailing or hiking can fill your weeks with adventure. It's all an investment in your future.
To live Happier and Longer
Your health needs to become a priority right now in your life, don't wait. Each and every choice you make has a distinct impact on your future. There are many daily healthy habits that you can start adapting to right now. It's time to jump on that "trending bandwagon" because it's the smart thing to do to live a happier and longer life.
We are Curly Girl Fitness. We are a fitness apparel t-shirt line aimed at encouraging women and girls of all shapes and sizes to fashionably promote their curly hair while also embracing health and fitness as a way of life. Here at Curly Girls Fitness we love fashion, fitness and naturally curly hair, our brand embodies all those qualities and was created with you in mind!
So enjoy being Curly and Fit for Life.. ..
Sabrina Tutt, owner of Curly Girl Fitness
Check out our designs and order now!
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