13 Steps to Living Happier

Do you wish you could live happier?

Are you or someone you love struggling with a difficult situation or time in their life? Do you feel like you have high anxiety or are you deeply depressed?

These life challenges can be extremely damaging to your health and overall happiness. 

Today, we want to give you strategies to help you live happier and climb out of that dark place. Because you can turn it around, starting today. 

This blog right here is one you should read and reread! Take notes. Hang these notes on your mirror or refrigerator. Let it be a reminder that you can live happier again if you take these 

13 Steps to Living Happier  

 live happier

1. Slow Down the Pace of Your Life 

The pace at which you go every day can wear you out physically and mentally. Sit down and make a list of weekly obligations, appointments, schedules, sports, family time, and errands. Notice where you can bundle these trips or delete them completely or pass them off to another person. Save time. Save your energy. Lessen your stress. 


2. Lesson Your Load 

This goes hand-in-hand with the number 1. I have discovered most women tend to overload themselves. Saying no sometimes can be tough. However, you can't do it all and you should realize this before you spread yourself too thin. Learn to say no and mean it!


3. Let Other Family Members Be Responsible 

Young adults should have responsibilities and grown adults should take responsibility for their own lives. Don't let other people place their responsibilities on you. You already have enough on your plate.

There are people who will take advantage of your kindness and willingness to help. Although, you mean well, you are not doing them any favors by carrying their responsibilities. They become dependent on other people and usually never succeed on their own. Make them be responsible. 

 live happier

4. Stay Connected with Trusted Friends

Friends are a special ingredient in the recipe of life!! Yes, they are. I can honestly say that good friends have pulled me up to a more positive place many times. They will support you, laugh with you, and encourage you to be your best. They will guide you, listen to you, and share life with you. Friends are an incredible support system. Do lunch once a month or a Girls Night Out (GNO). Call each other once per week and check in. Hearing a calm, familiar voice in times of trouble does wonders! 

 live happier

5. Get a Pet  

Have you visited the shelters in your area lately? You would see tons of eyeballs just begging to feel love. A pet is a fabulous best friend  and I am certain there are studies showing that having a pet can boost your mood and make you live happier.

There's nothing like coming home from a tough day at work and seeing your dog wagging its tail ready to make your day all better! Not a dog person? Try a pet cat, fish, turtle, or a bird. Read The Friend Who Keeps you Young


6.  Get Moving. It Makes a Huge Difference

I can't say enough about doing daily physical activity. While sitting on the couch feels good after work, but it's not doing your health any good. Especially if you sit all day at your job. Take an evening walk around the block. Powerwalk while your son has football practice. Do effective power moves in place for 20 minutes. Take an evening Yoga class. Do a whole-body stretch. Dust off that elliptical or treadmill, it will be worth it! 

Read Try Speed Walking for Weight loss and a Mental Health Boost


7. Read Books or Podcasts in Areas You Need Guidance 

When I was going through a tough time, I was keeping myself stuck. I couldn't shut off what happened. I kept replaying everything and I couldn't move on. That was my biggest hurdle. Books and podcasts can be a lifesaver, they saved me. I suggest you do the same and start searching now. Reading is healthy and knowledge is power. 


8. Get Outside More 

This one is good because fresh air every day does wonders for your mind and body. Walking or even sitting outside taking in the sunshine or nature is extremely healthy for you. 15-20 minutes will help you refresh and rejuvenate. Take a walk in the woods or stroll in a nearby park. Nature can be very healing.


 9. Get Your Yearly Physician Check Ups

Stay on top of your health. Yearly exams are normally covered by insurance, and they can spot early detection of disease. Finding diseases or illnesses sooner can mean treating them earlier, which could save your life. Include on your list yearly mammograms and lab work.


10. Eat Better to Feel Better 

You will feel it! I promise you. Eat more greens, vegetables, nuts, fiber, fruits, whole grains, healthy oils, and protein. Eat more chicken, seafood, and turkey. Limit red meat and avoid processed meats. Make this clean eating a way of life and your body will fight diseases and regulate a decent weight. 

Building a Healthy and Balanced Diet

 live happier

11. Hobby's are Healing 

Hobby's can help strengthen your mind and make you so incredibly happy! Learn to sew or crochet. Try painting or putting puzzles together. Make angels or snowmen out of craft material. How about jewelry making or flower arrangements? What do you love to do? If you haven't done it in a while, it's time to get it back out right now! 


12. Reach Out to A Trusted Person

You do have so many people who care about you. It may not feel like it, but you do. Don't feel you are burdening them with what bothers you. That's what they want to be for you, that person you come to. If you know of a friend or family member that you can trust, open up to them if you are struggling in any way. Sometimes, you just need to get things out. Just being heard helps so much because we know we aren't alone or going through it alone. It feels so good to release our tension and troubles. It's healing and healthy.


13.  Your Mental Health Matters

It is not healthy to stay inside all the time. It's not healthy to sit on the couch or lay on your bed on the phone all the time.

You should be living life. Get out there and find a career that you enjoy and start making a difference. Or start that business that you've always wanted to start. Or take those courses or new classes. 

To be healthy, you must be active. Because your body and mind need it, like you need oxygen to breathe. 


Which of the 13 steps will you start today? 


I am Sabrina, CEO here at Curly Girl Fitness! 

We know you deal with a crazy, busy life! But we also know women's wellness matters to you. Curly Girl Fitness sees the time you are putting in. We see the changes you are making. Stay focused on your fit journey. Reach those weight loss goals. Start healthy habits. Get fit for life.

We are Curly Girl Fitness bring you t-shirts and activewear to support Women, Women of Color & Children with natural curls to stay on their fitness journey!  Remember your hard work will pay-off. You will get the results you are looking for. Keep going! Shop our collections here! 




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